Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dust attack and insane music

I think there is something wrong in the tea I drink. Or in the water. I have become slightly more insane. Today I had a freeday so I of course decided that 'hey, why don't I move that fucking heavy bookshelf from one side of the room to the other?'. Yes very smart. So I took all of my books, CDs, movies and boxes down from the shelf. This of course caused dust to rise and make its way into my breathing system. Yay. And then I moved the shelf.
Now here is the thing, that bookshelf hasn't been moved since I put it there three years ago. So awaiting for me was this pile of dust and hairpins and some money that had fallen behind the thing. So it was scarf time. I went all ninja on the dust and then went outside to breath because my room's air was too thick to breath.
The good thing about this thing is that the shelf looks nicer on the other wall. Thank God! Otherwise I would have had my asthma attack for nothing...
And today's song is this incredibly stupid and completely insane song I found a couple of days ago. I did the mistake of actually listening to the lyrics and fell off my bed laughing. You can't get any weirder than this:
Have fun rolling on the floor!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Youtube addict!

Youtube. It is awesome. It is also very addicting. And it can keep you up and minimalize your sleep to only three to four hours which isn't that good since I lead a very active (NOT) life. And I do need my sleep. In that sense Youtube is horrible and it is bringing my grades down since instead of studying like a good student ought to, I stay online but still it is...AWESOME! Better than Facebook, though I do hang there as well. But Youtube does win. If you do not know what Youtube is and you don't see the point in it...YOU MUST BE LIVING UNDER A FUCKING ROCK! That's all.

And todays song is, just for the hell of it because you guys don't know who I am and will never be capable of hunting me down when I post this, is One Direction's 'Kiss You' because my friend finds it so boring she couldn't finish listening to it. I find it quite good compared to the 'hit song', which is coming out of my ears by now and makes me want to cry ('What makes you beautiful'). So there you go people. I am not just a dark soul, I am also a pervert, Youtube addicted AND I listen to cheesy music when I feel like it.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

50 Shades

Okay, what did you expect? Of course I have read them. My mind is darker and more twisted than the deepest oblivion of hell. And I found them quite entertaining. Not the first one, that one made me want to puke, and though the second and thrid were as corny as it gets, those I found quite...nice? I don't think you can say 'nice' when you are talking about Christian Grey, but you know what I mean.

Here is the thing, I read the books at the same time as my friend, the one who gave them for me as a Christmas present (I had to do some serious explaining when my folks saw them), and we both came to the same conclusion, Ana Steel is very whiny. I liked her more than I liked Bella and I definitely liked Christian more than Edward, but my friend just thought that Ana was whiny. Which she was, especially in the first one, but later she did grow up a bit, in my opinion.

I hated the ending. Seriously the whole, happily ever after? You could have at least killed someone! Like Mia or...or Ana. Or someone! I don't care! Someone. There is no happily ever after in this world. But when you think of it of course she had to end it up like that. Christian has had such a crappy life that he did deserve a happy ending. Sort of anyway.

That's all. Oh and the song of the day, just because I can, is the stalker anthem 'Every breath you take' by The Police. Check it out.

And if you like reading from Christian's point of view check out the link below. EL James wrote the end of the first book from his view for us to read.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Step Up

The first one of them, with Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan, came out in 2006. Since then these dance movies have made people move, dance and listen to movies. The first one was a good starter and I definitely like the story line in it, but still the ones that have come after it have been bigger ins scale and bring a lot of awe to those who watch them. I watched it when my friends would STOP talking about them and then soon I found myself watching the second one, then thrid one, and finally the fourth.

My definitely favorite character in all of these four movies, is Moose (Adam G. Sevani) who came in on the second film (Step Up 2: Streets) and helped to start the MSA crew, in which he danced and yeah. Over all he is an amazing dancer, a very funny guy and a good actor. And then in the thrid one, he was one of them male leads. I liked that one probably the best. The fourth one, which I just watched is also amazing. Very good dancing. In it Moose only appears very shortly but what can you say? He must be busy.
The first one is about dancing differently, second one is still a bit teenage drama, the thrid one is about keeping the dancing stream going and the fourth one is about protesting. All of them is about making a statement. Which in away, is what dance is about, right? So, watch them if you like dance. If not, don't bother. Try the fourth one, it's quite new. Came out in summer 2012.
And in the favor of this genre, today's song is none other than 'Step Up' by Samantha Jade.

Monday, January 14, 2013

If boredom could kill, most of my friends would have lived a very short life...

I bet that you have heard this expression at least ones in your life. "I'm bored to death." No? Then you have been living under a fucking rock! Because I have heard it more than I should have. Seriously, during last week I heard it at least five times. And I think I said it twice. Not sure. But the point of this ridiculous topic is that us students - you know those blocks who force themselves up from their beds at 6 30 and go to this usually very ugly building and spent time there - we are bored to our deaths most of the time at school.

It's not that the information that we are getting is that boring or useless - though who needs to know that Bach had two wives? Seriously? - it's the way they teach it. Now I have great teachers, trust me. Some of them are fucking hilarious and very intertaining, others very calmed down but they get their message across but some teachers? I just can't stand the sound of their voice! It's either nagging and high-pitched or then it's slow and low, and ugh! And I know that I sound like a nagging teenager right now, but come on, a bit more lively performance would make our studying life a tad more interesting.

And moving on from that. Today's song, since I have SO many readers, is Maroon 5's new hit "Daylight". I don't know, it just speaks to me. Makes me cheerful. Even if it isn't that cheerful...but anyway. It's a good song and to any one who needs some inspiration while writing, listen to it and you might get some heavy stuff done. For example the guy can be a soldier, a vampire, a ghost or my first thought was timetraveller. Yeah, I am odd, but it was my first thought. So...the soldier is getting a call back to battlefield, the vampire has to flee before sunlight (hence the song title), the ghost is slipping away to its own univers and the timetraveller is getting called back to the future or the past, where ever he came from. Add a bit off exitement and fighting or sex, whatever you prefer, and voila! Story is done. See I am not as dumb as I
seem. If you haven't listened to it, do it now.
(pic from Google Images)                                          

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Pitch Perfect

Okay, if you haven't seen it and are obsessed with musical comedy and Anna Kendric, like me, you will love it. First of all, good comedy, and then there is the fact that there is really good music in this movie. And they can actually sing. Not like High School Musical, and I apologise if you really love it, but come on, the songs and music? And the singing? Not the createst. And this coming from someone who never saw the first two, just the last one and that way too many times when I was babysitting. I have had enough of it and am grateful that it is over...of course soon there will be something to replace it. And most likely I will hate it, too. Or not hate it but, what's the word I am looking for? Strongly dislike it? Yes that is. But anyway, Pith Perfect, was a nice surprise. When I saw the trailer I was a bit iffy about it but when I started the movie, totally worth it. Really good. Though not my favorite genre, I have to admit, it was good enough. Like I said if you haven't seen it watch it.
And remember to comment! After or before you watch it!

For starters

To everyone who has ever felt the way that they need to start living, I know that feeling. I might be...odd, young and not that much of a social bug, but if I know something, it is literature, music and movies. I live and breath for stories. So what a better way to express my feelings than, well, a blog? This might be the worst thing I have ever done, and most likely no one will ever, and I mean, ever read this, but still it's just one more thing I can check out of my list.

Yeah, this is one of those sort of New Years resulutions. My resulution was originally to put myself more out there and stop being such a loner, but baby-steps people. Baby-steps will lead me towards the outer world. Hopefully...and if this wont help anything, at least it is fun. Hopefully, again. So if you hate this and find my texts extremely boring and find me whine, do comment. Any comment is a good comment.