Saturday, January 19, 2013

50 Shades

Okay, what did you expect? Of course I have read them. My mind is darker and more twisted than the deepest oblivion of hell. And I found them quite entertaining. Not the first one, that one made me want to puke, and though the second and thrid were as corny as it gets, those I found quite...nice? I don't think you can say 'nice' when you are talking about Christian Grey, but you know what I mean.

Here is the thing, I read the books at the same time as my friend, the one who gave them for me as a Christmas present (I had to do some serious explaining when my folks saw them), and we both came to the same conclusion, Ana Steel is very whiny. I liked her more than I liked Bella and I definitely liked Christian more than Edward, but my friend just thought that Ana was whiny. Which she was, especially in the first one, but later she did grow up a bit, in my opinion.

I hated the ending. Seriously the whole, happily ever after? You could have at least killed someone! Like Mia or...or Ana. Or someone! I don't care! Someone. There is no happily ever after in this world. But when you think of it of course she had to end it up like that. Christian has had such a crappy life that he did deserve a happy ending. Sort of anyway.

That's all. Oh and the song of the day, just because I can, is the stalker anthem 'Every breath you take' by The Police. Check it out.

And if you like reading from Christian's point of view check out the link below. EL James wrote the end of the first book from his view for us to read.

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