Okay, so as promised I am posting an insane teenage-fan-girl-screaming-and-going-nuts-over-1D post and addressing the issue that has the social media (tumblr, twitter, YouTube etc.) running up the walls. Seriously, all I have to do is Google the world's beloved boyband and at some point when scrolling down the first page I will see SOMETHING about Larry Stylinson. Now when I first came across this, I was like 'whaaaat?'. Mainly because I hadn't got a fucking clue as to what all these fan-girls were raging about.
So a brief summary. The fans have picked upon Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson's odd relationship or "bromance". Long story extra short they are very cuddly. Or used to be before this thing just got WAY out of hand and Loius tweeted that, and I quote (lame right?) "Larry is the biggest load of bullshit I have heard." Now this got the fans going up the walls with the idea that Louis hadn't tweeted it actually but that their management (Modest Management, which the boys, especially Louis, is known not to like too much) put him up for it. Or something. I have scanned numerous of good, bad, ichy and absolutely adorable posts, clips and fan videos and gotten an eyeful of what could technically be the world's biggest "bromance". http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/30700000/Harry-and-Louis-ICON-one-direction-30775249-200-200.jpg
But then there is the fact that if you are looking for something, you will find it. This is the biggest problem in the battle between Larry Stylinson and Elounor. Elounor, for those that do not know, is the nickname for Louis and his "girlfriend" (more later) Eleanor Cardle. The battle is fought between fans, who take sides. But the thing is, if you are looking out for something to be faked, like their relationship is argued to be, you will find evidence proving you right. And if you don't, well, no one is stopping you from making some up yourself. I myself am not so good with photoshopping but I know a few people that can do almost ANYTHING on a good program.
For example there have been numerous photos of the so called Larry Stylinson making out. The boys both deny this (actually the only thing Styles denies, come the question of Larry Stylinson) but fans have proof against them. http://p.twimg.com/AzKI17lCYAEF_E8.jpg:large Now from this even an untrained eye can see photoshop but dam is it well done. This one, on the other hand is redicilously bad http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/25S90DgWoeA/mqdefault.jpg
And I just found this one, and I have to say, nice one. Very smartly done and even trashing the opponents as you go. I approve. Here is the photoshopped one http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Wb4vMPyDddo/hqdefault.jpg and how do I know it is fixed? Well take a look at the real one http://media.tumblr.com/b68b0a00b3fa780b540cfb1b7fa87291/tumblr_inline_mha94yRC7P1qz4rgp.jpg Yeah, pretty heavy stuff. Can't agree though that it don't look too loving that Elonour kiss, that is.
But I do have to add this here because it's just sweet and actually very innocent, something I have done many times to my friends, both boys and girls. http://a.wattpad.net/cover/2451389-256-k868290.jpg
A peck on the cheek? Awwww. I had a clip of it somewhere, but can't find it now. It's from a security camera from one of their gigs and I dare say that the footage was leaked on purpose, though I doubt people would have remained unknowing as they had girls screaming all around them and tweeting within seconds "Larry Stylinson kiss! Iiiiik!" yeah, girls are hopeless, especially if they are crushing on some famous boyband or are obsessed with something. Then we are a force of nature and you will be crushed if you try to step in our way (speaking with experience; I am frequently obsessed with things).
And now to another sub-heading; Elonour, Staged?
I really have my doubts on it. I mean the guy has been dating this girl for what, a year? More? I don't think that it is staged because come on. It's just stupid to argue something like that. What I find the oddest is that some of these fans are trying to convince Tomlinson (yeah you read right) that he isn't really in a realtionship. And then they cry out when he looses it? I would have personally lashed out a lot earlier if someone had questioned my relationship status. You should just lay off it. I mean we are all allowed to think as we wish, but keep it to yourself okay? Even if you think that there are twenty different Eleanors and that Louis isn't really in a relationship with her. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/07/11/article-2171773-1402568E000005DC-745_634x743.jpg I think that they look like just any other couple. It again is all about what you use to search with. If you type in Elonour staged photos you will get what you want. http://media.tumblr.com/aca7403f8144eceeaf6ca964e3608aec/tumblr_inline_mkl0d1goyy1qz4rgp.jpg
So for the sake of arguments lets say that it is faked. Just for the sake of it all. So we have Louis fake-dating a girl? Why? Is he gay? Is he afraid that people will think he is gay and that's why he has started a fake-realtionship? Remember this is all hypothetical. Some argue that it is the management behind it all. I can live with that. Others say that it's because there was something going on and Louis is getting back at Styles. That, in my humble oppinnion, is a long-shot. Might work if we were talking about a nice fast shag, but a girlfriend? Doubt it. I actually think that whatever is going on here is none of my motherfucking business but I am a girl so I am going to butt in anyway.
What actually alarms me the most is how badly the fans attack eachother, lashing out in twitter, tumblr and YouTube. It's just absolutely horrible to read all the horrible things people say to eachother. It's a motherfucking boyband! They are just five lads having the time of their life, leave it be! People are committing suicide because of the bullying. Aren't you all supposed to be all close and cuddly as you fight the bieber kingdom? Or something?
Back to Elounor for a sec. When I first started looking into Larry Stylinson, I came across this video, which I can't find now, where someone analyzed why Elonour is fake. They had some things on Louis' smile (it's absolutely stunning by the way http://s3.favim.com/orig/38/louis-tomlinson-one-direction-smile-Favim.com-310580.jpg) on how it was different when he was around with his girlfriend. Again it's about what you are looking for. I have seen pleantly of pics where he is truly smiling (though he isn't ever alone with his gf in them). Then there was some stuff about how it just seemed staged and then came the outrageous part. The girl, I assume it was a girl, doing the film pointed out how Eleanor could afford such cool clothes and her solution was that "they" (management or louis, I am not sure about what she meant) paid her. And then she had the gulls to add that she liked Eleanor and was sure that she was a nice girl. You just called her a bloody hoe! And then you go and be all I-love-Eleanor. That's where I draw the line. A simple line. Do not call the guy's, who you are crushing on or being a fan for, girlfriend, fake or not, a fucking hoe! Just don't do stuff like that.
And then the second sub-heading; Fan-fic going a bit too far?
I have heard multiple interviews where the boys just laugh this off. But there are some where they are sort of serious about it. I agree with the fact that some of these things are a bit...you know, out there. I just actually read the famous Room 317and I have to say that it is the best one I have read. Really good work though I had some trouble with coping with some of the details. Like wasn't it Liam with the kidney malfunction? And am I missing out on something what with the whole Liam and Niall angle? Please let me know.
I was also shocked to find that some fan had made a Larry Stylinson sex-tape. THAT is taking it a bit too far. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tlhhnrfa69M and then there is this http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/larry%20sextapeRemember what I said earlier about photoshopping? Yeah, these bitches know what they are doing.
I have actually been wondering something. All these girls are putting these two together, while still hoping to get some of that 1D action themselves. How would they react if the boys turned out to be together? I mean I doubt that all of them have actually thought about what it would mean. Two of the boys off the market? Even the ladiesman Styles? I don't think that the female population of One Direction fandom could take it. Of course they would be all supportive but then there would be chaos. Most likely.
I am all for them being gay, bi-sexual, straight, whatever. They are just five seemingly cool and pretty talented lads that seem to like eachothers' company and are making the days for millions world wide by just smiling, goofing around and being themselves. I am all for it. Do what you want, be who you are and please, please, if you ever read this, come to Finland because there is a massive fanbase here and then on your spare time do SOMETHING about these girls trying to rip each others' throats open. Some are succeeding. Okay?
And girls, boys, any one being bullied over something, whether it is over 1D or anything else, just remember that one day it will be you who will get to go 'hah! See! I do matter! I do make a difference! And I am SO worth more than all your insecurity!' Believe me, I have been down the road of not so successful relations with certain idiots and I know how annoying it can be to just not want to open your computer or go outside. But you just have to get through it. Oh god, I am turning into a shrink. XD
So that's all. The song of the night is a new hit I found. Zara Larsson's Uncover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4aq043kdfY Next week, or tomorrow depending on if I have any time, I will be doing some writing on bullying and sexual harassment, as we sort of got to it now towards the end. Blaah, bye!
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